Relic Knights Tournament Rules Available

Soda Pop Miniatures and Ninja Division Publishing are happy to announce the release of the official Ninja Division Event Guidelines and two tournament formats for the Relic Knights tabletop miniatures game: Endless Hunger and Establish Order

The Ninja Division Event Guidelines are your first step to organizing or participating in official Ninja Division Events. Whether you are a player or event organizer, the guidelines provide the foundation for all Ninja Division Events. This 5 page pdf takes new Ninjas through the steps to run their own event from planning to judging and awards. Expectations for attending players are detailed including model policy and materials to bring to events.

The Event Guidelines are designed to be a companion to Ninja Division Organized Play rules, or your own event.

Endless Hunger tournaments are ideal for groups of 8 to 128 players and promotes exciting action while dealing with varied and challenging tactical problems. The Endless Hunger format emphasizes winning games and competition while still valuing sportsmanship.

Establish Order tournaments are designed for groups of 8 to 64 players, over a one to two day event with 3 to 6 rounds. The Establish Order format celebrates all aspects of the Relic Knights hobby, including generalship, painting, and sportsmanship.

All three organized play documents are available as free pdf downloads through the Soda Pop Store and