Unboxing Warzone Resurrection: Bauhaus Venusian Rangers (new versions)
Because Bauhaus is well known for its adherence to tradition, its troops rarely overstep the bounds of honour. Captives are always well treated and the wounded of both sides are well looked after, leading to a healthy professional respect between the Venusian Rangers and, in particular, the Golden Lions of the Imperial Corporation, who have often been used in a similar role. However, the Venusian Rangers set aside all codes of honour when fighting the Dark Legion, for such deeds would never be reciprocated. In the battle for the very soul of Humanity, there can be no such concessions.
Text from the Prodos Shop
You get your five toy soldiers in one of these boxes, no artwork unfortunately but I’m sure we’ll see that in the future . |
You get two sprues, bodies and arms. There’s letters on each to show what arms goes where in an easy way. |
Not a lot of flash at all and just a moldline going in the capes (easier seen on the pic above) which where very easy to fix. |
You get a nifty looking Booby Trap token as well, with the Bauhaus logo and everything! Me like. |
The cards is still the old ones (there talk about Prodos doing new ones in a new format) As always (almost) you get one stat card, two strategy cards, two tactical cards and one gear card. |
Long nice robes makes them look even more menacing for their hated foe the Dark Legion. |
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