Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy 75 out now!
Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy 75 out now!
The latest edition of Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy 75, issue 75, is out now and on the way to subscribers and retailers worldwide. The theme of this issue is ‘Innovators and Rebels – Great Leaders of the 17th century’ with the following articles:
- Arnold Blumberg, ‘Military innovations of Maurice, Gustavus and Cromwell – The return of the legions’.
- Mark Backhouse, ‘The Siege of Saint-Martin-De-Ré, 1627 – Buckingham’s Huguenot gambit’.
- Arnold Blumberg, ‘Gustavus Adolphus at Lützen – The Lion of the North’s last roar’.
- Arnold Blumberg, ‘The Battles of Leffingen and Nieuwpoort – Fighting among the dunes’.
- Guy Bowers, ‘Collecting armies for the Thirty Years War – Better than the English Civil War’.
- John Morris, ‘The Thirty Years War front cover vignette – Hakkaa Päälle!’.
There’s more than just the theme
There’s plenty more outside of the theme, such as the columns by Rick Priestley, Richard Clarke and Martin Onderdonck, the report on the Great Wargaming Survey (see also our blog roundup),and an interview with Joe Krone about his recent ruleset ‘Land of the Free’ published by Osprey. Further, there’s a ‘Let’s Play’ of the new SAGA Crescent and Cross rules, scenarios for the Battle of Magnesia, the Invasion of Gotland (with Lion Rampant), the battle of Belize, Allen Curtis’ final article about passing the hobby onto his son and Steve Jones shows how he improves his terrain boards. All that, as well as reviews of books, miniatures, rulesets and boardgames. How did we pack all that in?
Get your copy!
Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy issue 75 can be bought at the Karwansaray Publishers webstore (or get a paper or digital subscription), from your local FLGS (they don’t carry it yet? Tell them to contact us and we’ll get them sorted!) and from internet retailers worldwide. Outside the immediate wargaming world, you can pick up WSS from WH Smith’s throughout the UK, at larger train stations in Germany and, in about a month, from Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million and Chapters in North America as well as from various chains in Australia and New Zealand (sorry, ships are still slow…)