Fink Draad Fluff Update

Greetings Fallen Frontiers Fans!

Today we wanted to share with you Fink Draad, one of the most masterful tacticians of the RIFF Vengeance.

Fink Draad is one of the few survivors of the slaughter on Hellion Prime committed by the Sayx Corporation. He escaped the battle with serious injuries and put himself in hibernation on a ship to reach his home galaxy and spread the news of what happened.

During the re-conquest of the Hellion system he showed that his tactical skills were matched only by his thirst for revenge.

Now he is in charge of ground operations of all Riff contingents in our sector. Revenge continues and Fink is its instrument.

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Hola a todos!

Queremos presentaros a Fink Draad, uno de los mejores estrategas de la venganza Riff.

Fink Draad es de los pocos supervivientes de la masacre en Hellion Prime por parte de la corporación Sayx. Logró escapar gravemente herido en una nave  poniendose en hibernación para llegar a su galaxia natal y avisar de lo ocurrido.

Durante la reconquista del sistema Hellion demostró que sus dotes tácticas eran sólo comparables a su sed de venganza.

Ahora está al mando de las operaciones en tierra del contingente Riff en nuestro sector. La venganza continúa y fink es su instrumento.

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Anuncio Fink
