LED Lighting Goes Beast Mode with new Kickstarter!
PoweredPlay Gaming is excited to announce that we will be launching a new Kickstarter campaign to release our PoweredBases, on Monday November 3, at 9:00 am PST. We’ve set a modest goal and fully anticipate meeting it quickly!
What is a PoweredBase?
Well, up until now, people have only been able to light large vehicles, monsterous creatures and dioramas with our Alpha Kits. But we worked hard to miniaturize it so that you can hide everything under a 40mm or larger base, and use a watch battery instead of a big ass 9V. The kits also come with a 2mm “Concealer Ring” which sits underneath your base and lets you hide all of the components.
Now all of your independent characters, your Cryx models, your Terminators, and Relic Knights and more can get the lighted treatment!
Please take a look at our promo video and let us know what you think!
For the latest news and to see everyone’s awesome projects be sure to like us onFacebook and subscribe to our Youtube channel.
Chris and Chris

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