Bolt Action Pz II Ausf L ‘Luchs’

Our latest Bolt Action resin vehicle is the Panzer II Ausf. L Luchs (German for Lynx). The Luchs was a heavily modified version of the Panzer II, with better armour, speed and range, making it a fantastic armoured scout vehicle.


The Ausf. L Luchs was the final development of the Panzer II series of light tanks. Developed for light reconnaissance duties, the Luchs was produced during late 1943 and although an order for 800 of this new light tank was made to MAN and Henschel, the war ended before that could be completed and only just over a hundred were produced.

The Luchs’ four men crew consisted of commander, gunner, driver and radio-operator,  it  could reach a speed of 60 km/h and had a range of 290 km. The Luchs saw action until the end of the war on both the Eastern and Western Front with the Panzeraufklarungs-Abteilung (armoured reconnaissance) of the Wehrmacht and the Waffen-SS.

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