Warzone Unit Spotlight: Kunshu Dragonriders
Spotlight: Kunshu Dragonriders
All photos copyright Paradox entertainment and Prodos Games Limited
In the Lore:
When the Mishimans dug deep, they broke the very walls separating, but also protecting them, from the Kunshu Dragons. The unfortunate pioneers were incinerated in an inferno of bestial anger. The cautious dragons gradually investigated their new tunnels, ripping asunder any unfortunate human they fell upon. The release of the dragons gave the Mishimans a dilemma; destroy the beautiful beasts of legend without honour or honour them and the Densetsus of old they represent, by recognising their majesty and incorporating them in their rightful place in society. The decision was simple; the lower levels of the tunnel complexes were resealed and an honourable role of Dragonmaster was introduced into the military ranks. Over generations the dragons learnt to trust their human neighbours and count on them for food and protection. The taming process had begun. The Kunshu Dragons seem to know their place in Mishima society, physically bowing to the higher echelons, while devouring the lower classes foolish enough to get too close. It appears they are themselves able to recognise the level of honour a Mishiman deserves. An emphatic bond of subservience from the Kunshu Dragons toward the higherclass society of Mishima is now forged. As such the offspring of the Liege-Lords often ride the magnificent creatures in battle
with an empathic confidence and mutual assurance. The rider’s armour is enamelled in the colours and symbols of their family status and liege position. To see a korekushon of the Kunshu Dragons swoop into battle is to see a vivid and variegated spectrum of reptilian flesh rain down
from the skies, a rare rainbow of bestial, fiery fury and Mishiman honour. It will probably be one of the last things you will ever see.
All photos copyright Paradox entertainment and Prodos Games Limited
On the tabletop:
Is a unique unit to for the Mishima Corporation, they have a devastating flame attack that can be combined with the rapid firing Tambo sub-machine gun.
In addition to having a great flame attack they have the Passive: Dragon Shriek which forces their opponent targeted by the flame attack to make a Con test or become Stunned; this is a hugely valuable skill.
In melee, they can use their Active: Multi Attack Special Skill to attack with the Dragons bite and the riders Ceremonial Blades. Combine this with their Active: Swooping Death Special Skill and they become a whirlwind of death!
All photos copyright Paradox entertainment and Prodos Games Limited
You can purchase the Kunshu Dragon Riders in the online shop: http://shop.prodosgames.com/en/mishima-light-vehicles/90-kunshu-dragon-riders.html
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