The Great Wargaming Survey – On to 10,000!

surveyLast week we said that we were curious. Well, consider that curiosity at least partially sated. Over 5500 wargamers have filled out the survey so far, and the count is still climbing!

Obviously we are very excited, not to mention extremely grateful to everyone who’s taken the time to answer our questions. A sample this large means the wargaming world’s best chance ever to glean meaningful results on the state of the hobby.

But the overwhelming – yes, it is a little overwhelming to see a counter go up by several steps every time you click refresh – response to our survey has also unleashed our ambition. We’ve introduced a ‘stretch-goal’, in Kickstarter parlance. We want to get the response count over 10,000. So if you haven’t filled out the survey yet, please do it for one of the following three reasons:

– It’ll make editor Guy Bowers extremely happy,

– It’ll only take a few minutes

– You’ll get a 10% discount coupon for the Karwansaray Publisher’s webshop, as well as a chance to win some excellent prizes

– We’ll all finally get the answers to wargaming’s most pressing questions

We realize these are four reasons, so we promise to have someone who’s better at math analyze the results when the survey closes on July 31st.