Insider 6-13-2014
Privateer Pins launched at Lock & Load GameFest 2014 last weekend, and right out of the gate, the response from attendees was fantastic. Over 50 different pins hit the floor at the convention, many of them available by participating in an event, playing a game against a staff member, or trading for special pins from staff lanyards.
In the first 12 hours of the convention, Mercedes Behan had them all.
Starting with the Lock & Load silver pin all convention attendees received at registration, she hit the store, collecting all the pins she could get there, and then quickly moved on to trades. She traded for the Lock & Load gold pin (though she kept a silver version for her complete collection) and found staff members who had the alternate color scheme pins as well.
Late on the first day, she tracked down the last pin to complete her collection—the Subterra Bravo pin players acquired for playing a game of LEVEL 7 [OMEGA PROTOCOL]—by trading with William Schoonover, the designer of the game, who was hosting the play sessions. Because he had one on his lanyard, it was up for grabs in trading, and Mercedes was in the right place at the right time to add it to her already loaded lanyards.
Congratulations to Mercedes for being the very first person—including all staff members—to have a complete Privateer Pins collection!
To get your hands on your favorite pins, check out and see what’s in the store for you! There you’ll find all the pins available so far, as well as sneak peeks at upcoming pins. And for more Insider scoop on new releases, check out No Quarter #54 (available now) and #55 (street date July 23).