Warpaints Zombicide Core Paint Set

New Warpaints Zombicide Core Paint Set

New Warpaints Zombicide Core Paint Set

Zombicide fans rejoice!

This is the ultimate paint set for ANY type of zombie. It includes carefully researched colour tones to reflect the human anatomy in a decomposed state. With colours like “Brainmatter Beige”, “Crusted Sore” and worse, The Army Painter team has had a nasty job researching the right tones. We researched these – so you don’t have to!

The set includes 10 Warpaints; 9 of which are unique new colours not in the current Warpaints range. The Zombie Core Paint Set is for all the “regular” zombies. Here you will find the classic necromantic ingredients like Zombie Skin, Glistening Blood, Mouldy Clothes, etc.

Out August 2014

Read more or pre-order: http://www.thearmypainter.com/