WARMACHINE App Update March 27, 2024
Wednesday has arrived, which means it’s time for your weekly drop of new content and features in the WARMACHINE app!
This week’s update for subscribers is the latest compendium: the Shard Incarnates!
And then, here are this week’s additions and corrections to the app:
Mercenary Cryx models: Added Mercenary versions of the Cryx solos to Dark Operations army
Scarswall Garlghast objective
Scarswall objective
Ancient Monolith defense
Cygnar Rack: Change the first sentence of Deflection to “While in the spellcaster’s control range, friendly Faction models gain +2 DEF against ranged and arcane attacks.”
Grissel Bloodsong, Fell Caller: Change the first sentence of Deflection to “While in the spellcaster’s control range, friendly Faction models gain +2 DEF against ranged and arcane attacks.”
Hoarluk Doomshaper, Dire Prophet: ARC 7, CTRL 14
Houseguard Thane: Change the text of Desperate Pace [Houseguard] to “RNG 5. Target friendly Houseguard trooper model. If the model is in range, models in its unit gain +2 SPD during their Normal Movement this turn.”
Major Aline Bennet: App now allows her to add Crucible Guard Rocketmen and a Rocketman Ace to her army
Supreme Archdomina Makeda: Change the first sentence of Deflection to “While in the spellcaster’s control range, friendly Faction models gain +2 DEF against ranged and arcane attacks.”
Torch: Flamethrower weapon is on the Left (L) side
That’s it for this week. Tune in next week for even more subscriber-only content—new fiction!
The WARMACHINE MKIV app can be found via the links below.
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