Orgoth: The Warwitches

by Jason Soles

The warwitches have long served as the dark priesthood of the Orgoth cult. They are the masters of fell magic, the presiders over Orgoth funeral rites, and the chief point of contact with their Fellgoeth patrons.

The Orgoth are divided into fractious clans that constantly struggle for dominance, and every clan has its warwitches that serve the needs of its membership. For millennia, the warwitches had been subservient to the warlords who ruled the clans, but everything changed a scant few centuries ago. In the wake of the disastrous first invasion of Immoren, followed by the subsequent Riplung plague that utterly devastated their numbers, the warwitches rose to prominence and usurped the power of the warlords, claiming rulership of the Orgoth for themselves. Since that time, they have struggled to rebuild their fallen empire and restore the legacy of their people to its former greatness.

The warwitches are divided along many paths, each with its own shadowy purposes, secrets, and dark magic. The two primary paths are the Path of Shadows, the adherents of which specialize in soul magic, funerary rites, and communion with the infernals, and the Path of the Reaper, a martial pursuit focusing on personal combat capabilities and the brutal magic of war. While those on the Path of Shadows are most vital to the continuity of the Orgoth people and their clans, those on the Path of the Reaper are the ones most likely to see to their own dark restoration, as it is they who are most likely to climb the bones of their slain out of the Abysses.

The warwitches have a simple hierarchy. Those who are initiated into their number are granted the degree of Nocturne. As the initiate learns the ways of the warwitches, learn their place in society, and master their dark arts, they eventually are recognized as adepts and are asked to choose a path of specialization. Those who choose the Path of Shadows are recognized as Stygians and those who choose the Path of the Reaper are recognized as Therions.

An adept who proves themselves over time and masters their path will be recognized as a Matron Tenebrous, regardless of their primary path of affiliation. A Matron Tenebrous is revered throughout the order and is allowed to train their own Nocturne initiates. Each clan will normally have a Matron Tenebrous who serves as a senior advisor to the leadership of the clan and oversees its funerary rites.

A single Witch Queen commands the entire order and determines its dictates. A figure of fear and awe, the Witch Queen wins her position through trial by combat in which those who fall are sacrificed screaming to the Fellgoeth. Witch Queens have generally risen from the ranks of those following the Path of the Reaper and then from the Therions in their prime rather from amongst the more senior Matron Tenebri. Contests to choose a Witch Queen take place every seven years or upon the death of the current queen. Should a particularly formidable and deadly witch rise to this rank, she could go without challengers for many decades, holding onto power until her rivals sense sufficient weakness in her to move against her.

Note that while women have traditionally dominated the warwitch order, some few men have always been among their number and the Orgoth are not beholden to strict gender roles or even to the sexes of souls reborn; rather, they reward effectiveness and deadly aptitudes in any individual.

The post Orgoth: The Warwitches appeared first on Privateer Press.