Riot Quest: Painting Feora The Forsaken
by Charles Foster III
Welcome back to another painting Insider!
With Adepticon only a few more weeks away, I’m in full paint mode. Today, I’ll focus on Feora the Forsaken. One of my favorite characters has always been Lich King Arthas Menethil from World of Warcraft, so I’ve decided to paint Feora the Forsaken up as the Lich Queen.
Colors Used
Nothing fancy for prep on this model, just a solid base of Black Primer.
Blighted Steel
Step 1) Start by basecoating the area with a dry brushing of Pig Iron until you get to a good solid coat.
Step 2) Add the first shade to the metal using Cryx Bane Base.
Step 3) Next, mix Brown Ink, Green Ink, and Thamar Black in a 4:2:1 ratio, then apply this color as a second shade to deepen the shadows to the metallic areas.
Step 4) Highlight the area using Cold Steel.
Step 5) After the rest of the model is painted and sealed with a matte sealant, apply a final highlight of Quick Silver.
Blighted Gold
Step 1) I start by basecoating the area using Blighted Gold.
Step 2) For the first shade, I use a 50:50 mix of Cryx Bane Base and Brown Ink.
Step 3) For the second shade, I apply a 3:1 mix of Umbral Umber with Coal Black, focusing in on those deeper shadowed areas.
Step 4) For the first layer of highlights, I start with Brass Balls.
Step 5) After the rest of the model is painted and protected with matte sealant, I add final highlights with a mix of Brass Balls and Radiant Platinum.
Dark Blue Tabard
Step 1) Start with a 50:50 mix Coal Black and Exile Blue for the basecoat.
Step 2) Shade this color with some watered-down Umbral Umber.
Step 3) For the deepest areas of shadow, use a second shade of Thamar Black.
Step 4) To create the first highlight, add a few drops of Cygnar Blue Base into your base mixture and apply as the first highlight.
Step 5) To take it one step further, add Underbelly Blue to the previous mixture to apply as a final highlight.
Purple Skin
Step 1) I mix Khardic Flesh with Beaten Purple in a 50:50 ratio and apply as my basecoat.
Step 2) Next, I take Piggy Purple Ink and thin it out with some water in a 1:4 ratio of ink: water and apply as a glaze.
Step 3) After letting the ink dry completely, I reuse the base mixture to apply a layer to bring the skin back up. I make sure to leave the lower area slightly visible to create depth to the face.
Step 4) To create a highlight, I add Midlund Flesh to the base color.
Step 5) Finally, for the highest points on the face, I add Ryn Flesh to the mixture and apply as a final highlight.
Blue Glow
Step 1) To start the glow, use a basecoat of Coal Black.
Step 2) Begin by adding a bit of Meredius Blue to the Coal Black and Begin to work the highlight up.
Step 3) Next, use straight Meredius Blue to create another layer of highlight.
Step 4) Mix Arcane Blue in with the Meredius Blue to apply as the next layer of highlight.
Step 5) Mix in a little Menoth White Base to the mixture to create the highest highlight and apply to the tips.
White Hair.
Step 1) For Feora’s hair, I apply a solid basecoat of Menoth White Base mixed with Trollblood Highlight.
Step 2) For the shade, I mix in a few drops of Turquoise Ink to the basecoat mixture and apply it as a shade to the hair.
Step 3) To really make the hair stand out, I use a second shade of Bastion Grey to separate the strands of the hair and create some depth.
Step 4) Finally, I apply highlights to the ridges of the hair using a mixture of Menoth White Base, Trollblood Highlight, and Menoth White Highlight in a 1:1:1 ratio.
Step 1) Add in sand and ballast with Elmer’s white glue and let it dry completely.
Step 2) Water down a bit of Bloodstone and apply across the base material to let it soak in.
Step 3) Once it’s dry, I drybrush on a little bit of Rucksack Tan.
Step 4) I drybrush on one final highlight of Menoth White Base.
Step 5) Glue on some static grass.
With the basing complete, Feora the Forsaken is ready for my next Riot Quest roster or game of WARMACHINE! Very excited to get this model on the table very soon!
Join me next time when I take on my favorite Mayhem box model, Gubbin. AdeptiCon is only a few short weeks away, so I hope to see you all there!
The post Riot Quest: Painting Feora The Forsaken appeared first on Privateer Press.