Models in Moderation or a Lack Thereof

by Charles Foster III

Having only returned to the fold of Privateer in the past month or so, the two games in the office I really haven’t had much time to play or get involved in have been Warcaster and Riot Quest. Yet since Warfaire Weekend back in November, I have had only one thing on my mind: Riot Quest!   When I’m not playing it (and sometimes even when I’m working), I’ve been thinking about it. What models do I want on my team? What Riot Gear do I want? How often can I get people to stop by for a game without crossing that line of moderation?

Begins search in Google:

the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behavior or political opinions.
Similar: Self-restraint, restraint, self-control, self-discipline

Well, how about that? Since I cannot find a proper definition of the term moderation, here we go ;-)!

I’ve gone all in on Riot Quest: models, maps, Loot tokens, everything. Besides burying my entire work desk in miniatures, the only issue I now have is a huge backlog of unpainted models. Anyone who’s ever met me knows how much I like to do my own paint schemes, but there is something to be said for the clean look of a studio model.  Either way, I only like playing with painted models.  While I am in no way a studio- or competitive-level painter, I do take pride in doing a nice job on the models I paint…

Now I have another issue: how do I want to paint all these Riot Quest models? Should I paint them in traditional colors? Or should I apply some alternate paint schemes to them?

This decision has been proving to be more difficult than I would like to imagine. So, what better way to decide than by letting someone else decide for me?  Therefore, it’s time to throw it to you readers.

The reason this decision is so important is because starting next week, I will begin working on a weekly Insider series in which I paint a model or two from my Riot Quest collection and then post a painting tutorial as an Insider. While I don’t think these will inspire many competition-level miniatures, I do hope it will provide a resource for new and intermediate painters like me. At the end of each Insider will be a poll to decide which model we should do next. So starting this week:

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