Salute 2014 and Werewoolf Miniatures Ogre Mercenary Old Cossack Standard Bearer

Firstly, the most important
We’re going on Salute

(actually it was not us personally but our models)

Courtesy of Wargamer PL ( you will be able to see our painted models and buy some of our products. We invite everyone to stand Wargamer PL number TE14.


We are pleased to present you our latest model who appeared already to our store on eBay

Thanks to this model you will complete your army with old sweat who, despite their ages, and many lived skirmishes doing so well that it’s able to defend the banner army.

 Cossack on eBay

Ogre Mercenary Old Cossack Standard Bearer 

Art by Aleksander Zawada

Sculpted by Przemysław Szymczyk



Ogre Mercenary Old Cossack Standard Bearer