Zone Raiders: 200% funded with 7 Days left on Kickstarter!

The Kickstarter for Zone Raiders: Deadly Skirmishes of the Post Singularity is now over 200% funded with a bit less than 7 days to spare. It’s been a thrilling campaign and we’ve received more than a welcome reception!

Check out the Kickstarter link: Zone Raiders

Why play Zone Raiders?

Combining inspirations from small-scale tabletop wargames, campaign skirmish games, RPGs and tactical turn-based video games, Zone Raiders is a fusion of what we love best about all of these.

We wanted to strike the right chord between tactical depth of play, narrative campaigns and character development along with a commitment to streamlined rules while maintaining sophistication. Combined with a stunningly alien scifi setting that is vast enough to encompass many themes as a player’s imagination can conjure, it’s a game meant to scratch an itch we’ve felt for ages.

Or on a more direct note Have you ever wanted to play a game where you could…

  • Grappling Hook to tall ledges, snipe foes, then dive to safety?
  • Wallrun up a steep slope, and kick a bad guy over a railing to their doom?
  • Fight AI Monsters issuing from an automated factory, then lure them into a nest of explosive barrels before blowing the lot up?
  • Open an cryo-vault to rescue an ancient survivor with lost knowledge?
  • Project force-field bridges across vast gaps, only to turn them off when foes set foot on them?
  • Combine versus and cooperative play into a single ruleset, with stealth and objective focused mechanics?

All of these are within the domain of Zone Raiders.

Seven unique faction archetypes

 Field Demo Video at the LVO!

So we’ve got a quick demo recorded at the Las Vegas Open from the field! There’s more to see and a campaign to go into, but that’s saved for later!

To start, here’s two example stat sheets for our opposing sides for the demo. The nomadic survivalist Technomads, and a fierce reptilian Morlock Clan. Normally a team is between 5-10 and battling over a larger board, but we’ll shrink it down for this demo.


There’s a lot of stats there! But they should be familiar for veteran players, and easy to pick up for new ones.

  •  Raider Name – The name of your character, giving them a measure of individuality!
  •  Speed – Your movement in inches whenever taking a move action
  •  Shooting – Your chance to hit a target with ranged combat rolling equal to or under on a d20, without modifiers.
  •  Melee – Your hand to hand combat prowess rolling equal to or under on a d20, without modifiers.
  •  Defense – Your protection from enemy attack, base and with armor bonuses
  •  Survival – Your ability to survive injury or hazardous areas, base and with armor bonuses.
  •  Aptitude – Your general technical ability and situational awareness.

Likewise, weapons and gear are similar. We’ll stick to Armor, which grants bonus stats as well as Mobility Actions such as Grapple, Wallrunning and Leaps which expand your movement options.

Models can have 1 Primary Weapon, which represent rifles or other large weapons that sometimes must be reloaded between uses. You can equip handy pistols, melee weapons, grenades and other weapons as well. The range of weapons shows their most effective range, and the strength indicates how capable they are of penetrating enemy defenses.

Skills and Gear expand your model’s versatility with special actions and moves— which we’ll largely leave out of this demo, but they can add a new tactical layer to the action.

Hope to catch you all in the Zone, and enjoy this new spin on open-model miniature gaming!

Link: Zone Raiders Kickstarter