Ronnie explains the Frenzy Pledge Level
DreadBall Xtreme just keeps on rocking, hurtling passed $250,000 and funding no less than three new MVPs and the new Plague team!
One of the more interesting concepts about the campaign is the Frenzy level. We admired other Kickstarter campaigns for trying this approach and so thought we’d give it a go.
So, what is Frenzy?
Well, it’s a level that you can pledge for at the start of the campaign that gets you every stretch goal. Every team (of which we have 12 currently planned,) 16 players in each, and every MVP, plus bonus goodies like rulebooks and a selection of add-ons like Kickstarter Exclusive Acrylic Counters.
It’s got the convenience factor, pledge once and you don’t have to touch that dial again (unless you want to add additional stuff on of course!), it’s got a discount saving you a load of cash, and it’s exciting too.
It’s also a lot of money and a bit scary, because you don’t start with that much stuff in comparison. It’s a pledge that fills up and eventually hits the tipping point, which is when it’s a no brainer. This feels like quite a risk as you watch the campaign go along, knowing there’s 21 days for it to reach that point.
To help you visualize just what we’re going to be giving you, and what we’ve done in the past, we’ve put together this enthusiastic video with James and Ronnie to show you just what you’ll get.
You can watch it here:
If that has caught your fancy, you can head on over to the Kickstarter and plump for a Frenzy pledge level. If it’s to much of a risk at the moment, that’s ok too because Rampage is just such a great deal, it’s got everything you need.
The Xtreme Kickstarter is now live and finishes midnight Sunday 16th March 2014. We appreciate any support we can get!