The 9th Age: Miniatures and Crowdfunding #3
Today we once again bring word of some great new designs from supporting companies of T9A.
First off we have the Indiegogo campaign from Hidden Dreams. They are currently creating models for the Sylvan Elves army and as you can see, their miniatures are looking great and they are developing them in cooperation with the 9th Age community:
Like their shapeshifter:
As well as their highly anticipated Lord on Great Elk model:
Be sure to support their crowdfunding campaign at Indiegogo so we can all see more fantastic miniatures!
Next up we have an announcement from Shieldwolf Miniatures about their upcoming Forest Goblin Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. Shieldwolf Miniatures had asked the 9th Age community a while ago which faction they would like to have models for first and Forest Goblins are the result of that survey.
The Kickstarter launches Tuesday 13 September, and is trying to immediately fund the plastic infantry kit, with a stretch goal of a plastic cavalry kit, and more secrets await if both those are funded. See below for the exact time of launch in different time zones:
This kit looks like it will have great potential for variability as shown in their concept model:
Last but certainly not least we have a range of terrain from Labmasu. They now have a new lasercut scenery set available, based and scaled on a Roman necropolis from the Hellenic/Roman city of Hierapolis in Turkey. This picture shows all the pieces in the set, and you can see more pictures here.
In order to reward all their loyal customers, Labmasu have also decided to generously offer a gift with their November update and token set. For every order over 60€ (excluding delivery), Labmasu will add in a model, scenery set or a token to compensate the shipping cost. And anyone who bought or is planning to buy a token set before the November update, fear not, for you will all receive the free token update in your next order!
Their tokens for Kingdom of Equitaine:
Their Doom Altar scenery piece:
So head on over to the Labmasu store and take advantage of this great offer!