Introducing the Freebooter’s Network

FreebootersLogoWhiteIntroducing a new Network of Podcast goodness from The Freebooter’s Network.  The network presents a lineup of completely awesome podcasts covering the whole of geek culture. Selections include miniature wargaming, boardgaming, comic books, movies and history. This is your one stop shop for all things Geek…

Currently on their line up are:

D6 Generation: Lost Chapters [covering boardgaming]

The Independent Characters: Unbound [covering everything else the crew does and gaming in general]

40K Radio [with an ALL NEW CREW – covering Warhammer 40,000 and the Horus Heresy]

Anonymous Tabletop (formerly the Screaming Heretics) [covering gaming in general]

It Will Not Die [covering Age of Sigmar and others]

The Tirekicker Podcast: Gaming Goodness [covering gaming related Kickstarters]

Mantic Radio [Covering all things Mantic]

The Scholarly Warrior [covering specific warriors though out the ages with the help of Osprey books and other publishers]


Fireside Chats [Interviews with all sorts of Geek community leaders, authors and others]

You can catch all the action by visiting iTunes and searching for the “Freebooter’s Network” or by following these links:

Give them a listen to now!
