5 Years of Terrain : Brutal Cities Specials this Month!

 5 Years of Making Terrain! Epic Specials and new releases this month.

Brutal Cities is celebrating 5 years this month, on the 30th April!
I want to say thanks for your interest and business over this time, It went so quickly. I’ve made some great friends via this small business, which was something I didn’t expect, but most welcome.
I hope you guys have had got some value from our social media, or blog posts, or from the awesome terrain I make.

Stay tuned for a bunch of deals and specials during April to celebrate 5 years of bringing the world of architecture to your tabletop. Make sure to sign up to our email lists, we always have the best discounts there 🙂

Epic Scale Terrain Special:

The first special can be found here on the Epic Scale Terrain page. 


A free 6-8mm Vantann Office building with any purchase of the exisitng 6-15mm range (the products on the Epic Scale Terrain page. )

And don’t forget – this can stack with the other discount code received for entering your terrain wishes in the epic scale terrain survey!

What kind of buildings do you think the terrain world needs? Have your say and tell me what to design next in the survey and receive a $15 off discount code, (Or $25 off if you sign up to the email list!!)



Realistic true scale proportions and realistic glazing with our translucent fadelight plastic! 6mm terrain that’s designed to look good at multiple scales, saving you time, money and making it easier for an excuse to try new game scales!

As a gamer myself, I’m personally really excited to use this terrain with a great Cold War game called Seven Days to the River Rhine. And of course, you can see from the pictures that I’m hyped to start up an iron warriors force for Legions Imperialis!

Looking for 28mm / 35mm Terrain instead?


If you’re interested in 28mm Terrain Sci Fi, we have you covered too! Cyberpunk gamers will find some really unique and different designs from the often small and weirdly proportioned terrain that’s due from the Ender 3 Bedsize being quite small.

The Fadelight range features translucent plastic – perfect for lighting up with LED’s, and the Easy Access range brings tall, urban architecture to tabletops that often look more suburban in scale (that is, a lot of 1 or 2 storey buildings spread out thinly. A lot of the easy access terrain kits are designed to be playable, and the rear walls can be removed for internal access! This is one of our most popular and unique terrain innovations, and these kits are some of my personal favourites.