12 Days of Christmas: Vanguard
2018 was most definitely the year of Vanguard (well, at least the latter half was). As we’ve mentioned before, it was one of our most successful game launches ever and the first print run of the book is already long gone (more on the way in January, dear reader). What’s more, it was even awarded the inaugural ‘game of the year’ by BlackJackLegacy, which is absolutely awesome, plus it came second in Ash Barker from Guerrilla Miniature Gaming’s games of the year list. Amazeballs.
In 2019 the plan is to build on all this with new faction releases, extra scenarios, a new supplement book in the summer and hopefully an online campaign. Obviously, we’re not going to spoil all the surprises here, but we’ve got a few exciting teasers up our sleeve.
First up though, we’ve got the release of the Dwarf Faction. It should probably come as no surprise that Ronnie’s favourite shorties are one of the first new factions. With this new faction you’ve awesome new miniatures like the Steel Juggernaut and the Flame Priest, alongside the new warband set and support packs.

These new Dwarfs are without some of the nicest miniatures we’ve produced, thanks to our wonderful resin department. What’s more, new minis like the Steel Juggernaut and Flame Priest have also been given stats for Kings of War in the latest Clash of Kings supplement. So, even if you don’t play Vanguard (shame on you) there’s an opportunity to use these stunning Dwarfs in your mass battle games too.
Following the release of the Dwarfs, we’re then planning to release some sets for the Forces of Nature. Since launch we’ve had numerous requests to create Vanguard-specific warband sets or boosters for our existing miniatures range. After all, if you don’t play Kings of War, it may be tricky to get hold of an individual unit to add to your warband.
With this in mind, throughout 2019 we’ll be revisiting our existing range and repackaging them in a more Vanguard-friendly format. The first releases on the calendar are several Forces of Nature packs, including an introductory Warband set, plus support packs. Obviously, we couldn’t resist squeezing in one new miniature, so the Forces of Nature are getting a brand new druid! Again, this is likely to come in useful for Kings of War players.

Later in the year we’ll be doing a similar thing with the Trident Realm faction. And we’re sure their new miniature will have you hopping with excitement.

But look, forget all those other factions – this is what 2019 is really about. The full release of the goblin faction, complete with superb new resin models, a full warband set and metal reinforcements. Unlike the Forces of Nature or Trident Realm release, the goblin launch will be similar in style to the Dwarf release and will include a whole host of sexy new greenskins (if goblins can actually be considered sexy).
The faction launch will introduce miniatures for new units – like the Banggit and Luggit – but also create a selection of unseen units, such as the Winggit, Snaggit and extremely exciting Mawpup Launcher – some of which you can see below.
Winggit -
Snaggit -
Mawpup Launcher
Just like the new units for the Dwarfs, these may also work their way into Kings of War too in the future. The new goblins are currently being painted by the hugely talented Angel Giraldez and we can’t wait to see the finished results.
As if all that wasn’t exciting enough, today we’re officially releasing the “Uncharted Empires” warband lists. This covers the remaining Kings of War factions that weren’t included in the main rulebook. This includes:
• Ratkin
• Varangur
• Kingdoms of Men
• Brotherhood
• Salamanders
• League of Rhordia
• The Herd
• Twilight Kin
These are all getting starter warband lists that we may add to throughout 2019 during an online campaign or other special events. You can download the updated Warband lists here.
Well, hope that all whets your appetite for another great year for Vanguard. Hopefully we’ll see a few of you at the Cry Havoc tournament in a couple of weeks.
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