12 Days of Christmas: Novels and Fiction in 2019
Hello, all. Brandon here from Winged Hussar Publishing. I’m the editor for Zmok Books, our science-fiction and fantasy imprint. As most have you have heard by now, we are going to producing original novels for Mantic’s IPs – primarily Kings of War and Deadzone. In 2018, we saw the first Mantic book released to tie directly into the Kings of War’s campaign, Edge of the Abyss, entitled Tales of Mantica: Edge of the Abyss. The short story anthology told tales from a multitude of viewpoints; to give fans of every faction a taste of what’s to come!

Now that we’ve whetted everyone’s appetite, we have a packed schedule for 2019 for full length novels!
The first novel is titled Nature’s Knight, by Marc DeSantis. The narrative picks up from his short story in the anthology – and if you haven’t read it yet, that’s no problem; we’ve included Marc’s short story as the prologue to the book so that way readers can refresh the events that now set the scene for the opening of the novel. Dillen Genemer is a former paladin of Basilea that, after being saved from near-death, finds himself indebted to the Green Lady. His mission? To unite the people of Mantica against the growing darkness, but he is not sure how to even go about such a monumental task. Meanwhile, Damathana, a succubus who fought against Dillen in the Forest of Galahir, has been cast out by her own people and now searches for someone else to charm under her spell. All roads come together at the Euhedral Library!
That is just the first of several novels we have slated for 2019 and onward!
For Kings of War, we still have the two other novels that have been previously mentioned coming out this year, Ben Stoddard’s Drowned Secrets (August 2019), and Mark Barber’s Steps to Deliverance (December 2019). We have recently signed on two more authors to produce novels in 2020, James Dunbar’s Claws on the Plain and an untitled big novel by C.L. Werner!
Deadzone fans have been patiently waiting, and they will be happy to hear that we still have three novels planned; the first two being Robert E. Waters’s The Last Hurrah! (September 2019), and Marc DeSantis’s Operation Iridium (2020). We are also very happy to announce that we’ve signed with Christopher Verspeak to republish his Warpath novel,First Strike (November 2019), in order to move forward with two more novels to make a trilogy!

And while we’re on the subject of exciting announcements, we are going to be reprinting andre publishing Mantic’s line of “Choose Your Own Adventure” books! Starting with Rise of the Shadow King, and then moving onward to Winter’s Knight! Look forward to news about availability and when more adventure books will be released!

It’s been a great pleasure working with the folks at Mantic Games getting everything set up on the back end for 2018, and we can ensure you – the fans, the gamers, the readers– that 2019 and onward will see all sorts of exciting releases, and the novels will continue to flesh out the background of your favorite games.
You can now buy Winged Hussar’s first short story collection, Edge of the Abyss, direct from the Mantic website.
The post 12 Days of Christmas: Novels and Fiction in 2019 appeared first on Mantic Blog.