The 9th Age Rulebook publishing plans
In July 2015 a certain company has decided to discontinue their oldest product and replace it with completely new game. This has left a huge community of players without a game they have been fans of for years. A small group of dedicated players (T9A) decided to develop system of their own, which would allow them to continue their hobby. Their goal was to create completely free game: game with rules free to download, a game free to use miniatures of any manufacturer you like.
After three years their work is almost complete. Small group has grown to huge community counting over 13,000 players. Has won support of over a dozen of independent miniature companies. Thousands of hours have been spent on rules design, playtesting, Art and Background. Today whole community is engaged in playtesting beta version of final version of rules which will be officially released in Autumn. You can review their work at https://www.the-ninth-age.com/
After the release of the final version of rules the game will remain free to download. Yet any true wargame rulebook, rich with Art and miniature pictures demands to be printed. As soon as the book is released StormRider will be publishing the Rulebook to provide all players with high qualite, full color, hardcover books. Follow us to keep yourself updated on our publishing project and not to miss opportunity to win copy of free book for yourself!
Photo: Saurian Warlord on Alpha Carnosaur, Courtesy of Haemoglobin