Pre-order: Blood Red Skies starter set
We’re only a week away from the commemoration of the Battle of Britain and it’s time to pre-order the Blood Red Skies starter set!
Blood Red Skies is the new World War II mass air combat game from Warlord Games, written by renowned game developer Andy Chambers.
Blood Red Skies is scheduled for release early 2018. Pre-order yours today to receive your sets 1 month prior to general release!
Packed with everything you need to play this fast paced air combat game, the Blood Red Skies starter set does what it says on the tin. Plus once started you’ll have the extra rules to introduce the play cards that really bring your fighter aircraft to life, allowing you to fly them just as they would have been by the Ace’s of WW2!
Blood Red Skies starter set includes:
- 12 coloured plastic fighter aircraft (inc. 6 Spitfires & 6 BF109e)
- 12 clear plastic Blood Red Skies Advantage flying bases
- 10 combat dice
- 12 Pilot Skill level discs
- 3 Gaming booklets: Rules, Expanded rules, Scenarios
- 45 game cards
- 38 game markers
- A set of card tools: a movement template, range finder and navigation caliper
- 6 card counter Clouds / Air defence balloon clusters
- 3 card counter Blenheim IV / Dornier Do17 Z2 bombers
- 2 Quick Reference sheets.
Expand your pre-order with the Battle Of Britain complete set
The Blood Red Skies Battle of Britain bundle contains:
- Blood Red Skies starter set
- British Spitfire – Squadron (6 planes)
- British Spitfire – Ace (1 plane)
- Sailor Malan- British Ace Special Edition 28mm Miniature
- German BF ME-109- Squadron (6 planes)
- German BF ME-109- Ace (1 plane)
- Adolf Galland – German Ace Special Edition 28mm Miniature
- Blood Red Skies Game Dice
- British Blood Red Skies Dice
- Blood Red Skies Dice
NB. Special Edition Bolt Action Aces are limited to pre-orders only!
Squadron boxes contain 6 coloured plastic fighter aircraft, 6 clear plastic Blood Red Skies Advantage flying bases, game cards, and 1 sticker sheet.
Keep your eye’s peeled on the Warlord Games Blood-Red-Skies facebook page for the most up to date news and more!
Plus: Sign in and subscribe to our Blood Red Skies YouTube for interviews with Andy Chambers, rules tips, game play and more hobby to come…
The post Pre-order: Blood Red Skies starter set appeared first on Warlord Games.