New: Wargames Illustrated WI374 December Edition
Wargames Illustrated WI374 December Edition is out in stores today and comes with a FREE ship sprue for the upcoming Cruel Seas game from Warlord Games – Order yours today!
Observation Post
Our review of the latest products we’ve seen or been sent, including our look at books in On The
Theme: The Unkillable Soldier
The focus of this month’s theme is one man, the extraordinary soldier that was Sir Adrian Carton de Wiart. He fought in at least seven conflicts, won 16 medals and distinctions (including a VC) and received eleven grievous wounds. In this introductory article find out about the military career of ‘The Unkillable Soldier’ and why he makes such a fascinating focus for gaming.
Rules Showcase: Cruel Seas
On a recent visit to Warlord Games, we tried out the upcoming coastal combat rules where MTBs and E Boats duel for mastery of the seas.
Theme: Adrian Carton De Wiart in the Great War
Jim Graham delves deeper into the military career of our theme subject and brings us astounding tales and wargames scenarios for Carton de Wiart’s exploits in Somaliland and the Western Front.
The Battle of Pechory 1701
Mark Shearwood gives us the lowdown on his UK show circuit demo game, unveiled at Partizan 2018.
Theme: Interwar Warrior
Our theme hero Adrian Carton de Wiart was far from quiet between World War One and Two. In this article. Dom Sore explores the eastern European conflicts that ACdW became embroiled in and suggests how to bring them to the tabletop.
Jingle Bowels
Pete Brown presents a ‘Christmas Truce’ Football Match with a difference.
Theme: The Warrior’s Norwegian Cruise
The twilight of our theme hero’s military career finds him leading the failed British expedition to Norway in 1940. Despite its reputation as a “British fiasco”, Dom Sore finds fertile ground for gaming the early war in eastern Norway.
Wargamers’ Spaces
GP Aroldi shares the culmination of many a wargamer’s dream, the creation of his own space to enjoy the hobby we all share.
Oudenarde – Part 1: 28mm
Simon MacDowell describes an interesting approach to re-fighting this historical engagement, in the first of two parts.
Mdf – What No Paint?
Gary Faulkner is back once more, looking at getting the best from MDF buildings without having to use gallons of paint.
Spinning Off with Paper Soldiers
Peter Dennis, the wargaming world’s favourite illustrator, introduces us to the world of the downloadable paper soldiers that have come from the publication of his books.
Company Profile: Plastic Soldier Company
We visited Will Townshend and his fine crew at the ‘almost Brighton’ home of one the biggest little companies currently on the UK wargames scene.
Bedford Besieged
Author of the Lion Rampant rules Daniel Mersey presents a mini-siege campaign full of action and adventure rather than siege works and starvation.
How To: Make Craters
Paul Davies provides techniques and tips to create generic craters suitable for almost any wargames setting.
Catch up & order previous issues in store today:
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