New: Tsan Ra & Isorian 500 pt. Scouting force
After the Isor-Tsan Kiri War and the disaperance of the remanents of the enemy Tsan Kiri it was some time before the Isorians were to discover an abandoned hatchery of what wer to become known as the Tsan Ra.
Biologically a form of the silicate creature the Isorians called the Tsan Kiri. These newly discovered creatures were born into the shard of the Isorian Senatex. Because the Isorian IMTel had already absorbed data from Tsan Kiri bio-spores, the melded nanosphere was perfectly adapted to interface with the new hatchlings. The creatures effectively became part of the Isorian shard in the same way as the human populations of the Senatex. In a strange way the Tsan Kiri were reborn not as enemies but as part of the Isorian shard itself. To distinguish them from the Isorian’s former enemies the new human-influenced race became known as the Tsan Ra.
The physical prowess of the Tsan makes them effective troopers in countless combat situations. Their psychological make-up is in many ways more compatible with the business of waging war than is that of Isor’s human population.
Isorian 500 pt. Scouting force
The Tsan Ra are just one of the many alien species that co-exists as part of the larger Concord and Isorian societies. The Tsan Ra troopers are a unit option within the Isorian forces and you can find the unit entries in the sCampaign supplement ‘The Battle For Xilos‘ on pages 81/82
The Isorian Senatex 500 point Scouting force list
Senatex Phase Squad 1 | 125 points |
Leader: plasma carbine, x-sling, Phase trooper x4, plasma carbine(3), Plasma lance, spotter drone | |
Senatex Phase Squad 2 | 125 points |
Leader: plasma carbine, x-sling, Phase trooper x4, plasma carbine(3), Plasma lance, spotter drone | |
Tsan Ra Phase squad | 119 points |
Leader: plasma duocarb,x-sling, Tsan trooper x2, plasma duocarb, Plasma grenades, spotter drone | |
Nhamak SC Light Support Drone unit | 128 points |
x2 Nhamak drones with plasma light support, spotter drone |
For full stats see page 180/181 Beyond the Gates of Antares rule book
500 point Deal Contains:
- x2 Isorian Senatex Phase Squad – box
- x1 Isorian Tsan Ra Phase Squad – box
- x2 Nhamak Light Support Drone – blisters
Add your dice bag
The perfect way to secure your superior victory, comes with 12 order die.
Upgrade to a 1000pt Combat force
Having scouted out your enemies escalate the confrontation by adding a further 500 points with this packed command set: