Insider 10-11-2016

Season One of our narrative campaign, Crossroads of Courage, has come to an end, and our good friend Holden has (thanks to you) already experienced his fair share of true and utter horror.

Over the course of September I received an absolute mountain of reports from players in the league telling their Holden tales. These ranged from pithy summaries of only a few hundred words all the way up to short stories with word counts in the thousands. One group even submitted a haiku!

If you didn’t get a chance to play the first season of the Crossroads league, don’t fret—there’s absolutely nothing stopping you from doing so. While the reporting is only active during the official month of the league season, which in this case was the month of September, the rules to play in the league are all still available, as are some of the prize kits, so you and your friends can still get in on all the fun.

If you’re looking to get involved in the next round of shaping Holden’s fate, Season Two of Crossroads starts November 7, and the rules are going to be made available here in just a few weeks.

Of course, given all that’s already happened to Holden (again thanks to you . . . you monsters), you’re probably wondering what our friend looks like going into the second season. Well, here’s a sneak peek at what everyone’s favorite new hero/villain/coward/madman can do for your army in Season Two.

Don’t toss out your Season One Holden cards, though! Each season you are allowed to use any version of Holden you have, including the older versions if you played in a previous league. Oh, and if you managed to snag one of the Coins of Fate (“The Child” in Season One), bring that along for your Season Two games and beyond. You’ll be able to use those Coins, available each season, in some truly dramatic ways going forward.
