Insider 02-18-2016

The Company of Iron narrative league begins in just a few short weeks, so that means it’s time for another platoon sneak peek!

So far we have looked at Cygnar and Cryx, the Trollbloods and Skorne and Mercenaries and Minions. Today the enigmatic Circle and the Dream of Everblight join the fight.

Circle Orboros: The Scars of Caen

The Scars of Caen is a group of mystics handpicked by Krueger the Stormlord to stand guard over the newly blighted ley lines across Caen. Such vigilance is necessary, as threats to the Stormlord’s work come from both without and within. Not only do the forces of the Convergence of Cyriss seek control of these ley lines, but many within the Circle Orboros aim to undermine Krueger’s schemes; they see his alliance with Blighterghast as nothing short of mad hubris. And so, the Scars of Caen swiftly travels to points of conflict across this blighted power network, eliminating threats and ensuring Caen remains tainted long enough for Krueger to locate the source of Everblight’s power.

The Scars of Caen is composed of a unit of Tharn Bloodweavers, a unit of Druid Stoneward & Woldstalkers, and two War Wolves, and it is led by a Blackclad Wayfayer. This platoon plays to one of Circle’s greatest strengths: movement shenanigans. Opponents will struggle to anticipate where the Scars of Caen will strike or end its turns. For example, one of the new abilities the Blackclad Wayfayer gains from a platoon promotion is Transporter, which reads: During your Control Phase, place friendly platoon models that are in the command range of a friendly model with Transporter completely within 2˝ of their current locations.

This platoon takes the idea of “hit-and-run tactics” and cranks it up to 11. With a solid mix of melee, ranged, and magic threats within the platoon, it can handle just about any problem thrown its way. In platoon skirmish games, the Scars of Caen excels at forcing its opponent to play the game on its terms, choosing when and where it wants to engage.

Legion of Everblight: The Dream of Everblight

There are many among Everblight’s followers who envy of the power of the athanc shards and long for true communion with the dragon. One such Nyss is the beast mistress. Taking matters into her own hands, she pieced together a small war band to make her mark on Caen and earn Everblight’s favor. Known as the Dream of Everblight, her war band can often be found near large Legion armies, striking key supply depots and cutting off enemy reinforcements before they can reach the main field of battle. While it is still too early to tell whether or not the beast mistress’ gamble has paid off, the Dream of Everblight continues to operate as a deadly thorn in the side of the Legion’s foes.

The Dream of Everblight is composed of a minimum unit of Blighted Nyss Legionnaires and one Strider Deathstalker and is led by a Beast Mistress with two Shredder lesser warbeasts in her battlegroup. This is the only HORDES platoon that features any warbeasts, and they are key to making the most of this platoon’s promotions. A particularly nasty promotion that grants the shredders a new ability is the Tendon Snap. It is most useful in larger 50-point games. This ability reads: When a model with Tendon Snap damages an enemy warbeast with a melee attack, choose one of the damaged model’s aspects. That aspect suffers the effects of being lost for one round. A warbeast cannot be destroyed as a result of Tendon Snap.

Much like the Scars of Caen, the Dream of Everblight is a well-balanced mix of melee, ranged, and magical threats. The Strider Deathstalker, in particular, can be a real nightmare to deal with in the smaller-scale platoon skirmish games, and if an opponent doesn’t deal with her quickly, she’ll decimate their force in short order. When an opponent has to deal with both the Blighted Nyss Legionnaires and the Deathstalker, it means he won’t be able to focus on the Beast Mistress and her Shredders—and she is a force that simply cannot be ignored.

That’s all for today, but remember to check back next week when we take a sneak peek at the platoons for Protectorate of Menoth and the Convergence of Cyriss.
