The Drowned Earth enters its final week!
The Drowned Earth enters its final week!
After an amazingly successful campaign (over 600% funded) The Drowned Earth is closing in on the home stretch now. With dinosaurs, talking gorillas wielding machine guns and jungle ruins full of ancient technology, this game promises to be a whole lot of fun.
To date the campaign has unlocked:
- two more factions (four in total, but with a fifth “mercenary” faction announced),
- Templates,
- Tokens,
- a hard copy of the rulebook,
- Three different kinds of dinosaur models including some big 40mm base sized raptors!
- An archer girl riding a raptor!
Free stuff?
Of course it’s Kickstarter, so there’s some awesome value built in, not just in the pricing, but in some cool giveaways, thanks to unlocks during the campaign.
- Every backer at a Single Crew pledge or higher will get a free model, who’s characteristics were voted on by the backers themselves!
- All backers at £2 up get a free PDF of the TDE-Micro-RPG ruleset (a tabletop RPG rules set in just 5 pages!)
- Each character model will come with a stat card
- Each faction box will come with a rules reference card
- Anyone backing two Crews or more will recieve free custom dice
And 5. a new announcement: Anyone backing four crews or more will also receive a free pack of Oviraptors!
So what now? Well, for the final week the guys have a number of events planned. On Friday there will be a livestream painting session with the studio painter Max Von D, and on Sunday night another Live Sculpting session with sculptor James W Cain, who will continue work on his Praying Mantis riding Samurai! Awesome!
There will also be a number of competitions with the chance to have your idea for a race or location included in the game fluff, or to win a copy of the rulebook or some ultra-cool raptor models!