Battlezones Sci-Fi Scenery
Battlezones are modular hard plastic sets that allow you to build sci-fi scenery, both large and small, suited to any purpose. You can use these in RPGs, large wargames (like Warpath) or small tabletop skirmish games, like Deadzone.
Every component in the range is compatible with each other, which makes your buildings truly modular. You can create anything from a small storage module, to a sprawling cityscape, or a fortified military complex. You could even go so far as to assemble a large scale spacecraft to fight desperate skirmishes across the hull or inside the bulkheads.
There’s a wide range of themes available and the photographs shown are guidelines for assembly, rather than set buildings. From fortified to ruined, you’ll be able to find many buildings to use in Deadzone, Warpath or indeed any sci-fi game you happen to have in your collection… although why would you have any non-Mantic games
As scenery is so important in skirmish games, we thought we would create some exclusive web bundles that not only give you lots of great, modular terrain but also the rules to play a game that requires plenty of terrain. So, if you pick up one of the following terrain sets, you’ll receive a FREE copy of the Deadzone Hardback rulebook. This tome contains everything you need to play Deadzone, including full forces lists, a campaign system and all the rules required for exciting tactical skirmishes in the cities or fortifications of the far future.
- Ruined Battlezone Bundle
- Urban Battezone Bundle
- Fortified Battlezone Bundle
- Forward Strongpoint Bundle
- Urban Quadrant Bundle
The game relies heavily on cover (so it needs quite a lot of blocking scenery) – if you step into the open, you die. The goal is almost always to suppress your opponent and push forward to claim vital objectives. Battles are cinematic, from grenades throwing enemies off buildings to sharpshooters lining up those crucial shots to eliminate an enemy commander; you must think on your feet and play aggressively to survive.
If after reading the rules you fancy giving the game a go (and why wouldn’t you?), then you can pick up Faction Starters for £24.99/€39.99/$39.99, or even start small with just a single squad box – like the Forge Father Steel Warriors for £13.49/€17.99/$19.99.
So what are you waiting for? Grab your laser rifle and take cover!
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