We Are Noble Robo Studio

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++ calendar 2019.08.21 ++

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>>>Greetings Soft-Bodies!

>>>We are the Noble Robo. A new miniature and design studio focused on the destru—

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Noble Robo Logo

>>>Greetings Humans!

>>>We are Noble Robo Studio.

>>>Noble Robo Studio is a new miniature and design studio focused on bringing you exciting new miniatures designed for painting, collecting, and use in your favorite tabletop and roleplaying games.

>>>Our skilled Noble Robo artisans efficiently design and craft each model to maximize human joy when painting and collecting. We are pleased to present our two first miniatures, both ready for immediate human purchase.

Noble Robo Battle Nobo

>>>Battle Robo

>>>This fearsome Battle Robo is a finely honed engine of destruction. Battle Robo is equipped with a macro-laser gatling cannon that is perfect for scything through hordes of soft-bodied enemies.

>>>Guild Lord Guzzler

>>> The Volkthrudd race are proud and doughty warriors, but the heat of battle is thirsty work. Throwback a cold one with the Guild Lord Guzzler!

>>>Follow Noble Robo

>>>To remain informed of all Noble Robo Studio’s artifice and wondrous creations, follow us on Facebook, twitter, Instagram, and sign up for the Noble Robo Newsletter!

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