Warmadness Wrap up

Warmadness 2019 has come and gone, and while many glorious match-ups occurred, only one warcaster dominated as Warmadness Champion:

Ashlynn had no easy time of it, going head-to-head against the likes of Sorscha Kratikoff, Kromac, Champion of the Wurm, The Harbinger of Menoth and even Barnabas, Lord of Blood. In the end, her skill with the blade and her support from the community saw her topple the mighty Lord Carver, BMMD, Esq III, to secure her place as champion.

So what now? Well, to celebrate Ashlynn’s victory, we will be doing an Art Hangout at this year’s Lock & Load where Chief Creative Officer Matt Wilson and Art Director Mike Vaillancourt will be concepting Ashlynn’s next iteration before a live audience!

We also went ahead and added a new Ashlynn print for sale on our webstore!


Regardless of her performance in Warmadness, Ashlynn has always had a special place in our hearts, so much so, that we were already cooking up a special project with her in mind. It seems fitting to unveil it in this, her victory Insider…

And that’s just the beginning. For the rest of the year, your champion will be featured in upcoming art, fiction, and even some unexpected places…

But wait, what about the rest of the characters who did well but didn’t quite make it to the top? What about Lord Carver, he got second place, darn it!! Or Barnabas, or Old Witch, or Gorten Grundback?!!!
Fear not, faithful fans. Warmadness was received so well that its helped us to take stock of some of our community’s most beloved characters, many who might start appearing in MiniCrates, resculpts, or outright new versions in the near future.

Thank you again for participating in Warmadness 2019. See you again in spring 2020!!