Super Chibi Round 3 now live on Kickstarter!

Super Chibi Round 3 is now live on Kickstarter! This time around we have three new characters that we need help with. First, off we have Shin the Urban Ninja of Sector 7, then we have Absolute Valentine the Vigilante of Sector 7. Last but surely not least we have Deyanni the Forest Elf of Super Chibi Tactics. For a pledge of $20 you can get these three characters and any stretch goals that are unlocked in this Kickstarter.

Now, I know you going to ask why is the funding so low. Well, it’s because we already have the sculpts done and paid for. We just need help getting them molded and cast.  It just translates to a smaller funding goal and to us that is a good thing. Now we don’t have any of the stretch goals sculpted yet, but we have some amazing goals planned including our first ever bust. It’s going to be very exciting!


Kickstarter can be found here

Kickstarter link: