Infamy: Welcome to The Big Smoke gameplay videos

Infamy Miniatures have launched three gameplay videos that go through the basics of the game, then progress into a battle!

Video one covers the Card Deck and how it is used to boost your character’s skills.

Video two shows the pre-game sequence and the first turn of a small game – Talullah and Chee-Chee vs Henrietta Jekyll and Frank Hyde

Video three shows the end of the game started in video two!

Final 24 hours of the campaign

The Kickstarter is coming to a close soon but there are tons of cool stretch goals still within reach!


Big Brother will be the £85k stretch goal miniature!



Alternate Frank Hyde is the £87.5k stretch goal!

Huge value at Full English!

The Full English pledge gives you a massive haul of miniatures and other cool stuff and can save you over £165 on the RRP!




