Anvil Eight Games presents a quick look at part of its upcoming release for House Ikaru! Enjoy this early glimpse of the newest models in the Aetherium universe!!!

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Takona is the Prime Archivist for the entirety of House Ikaru’s epic history. Before her consciousness was eternalized in a massive digital construct, she was renowned for her brilliant and agile intelligence. Now, when Takona manifests as the Prime Archivist, she does so as a surreal multi-armed construct of constant and fluid change. Though bound by the parameters of her digital immortality, Takona appears to have, in many ways, become even more cerebrally nimble.




The Izami Function was developed during the First Great Trade War at a time of House Ikaru’s most urgent need. Armed with the most advanced ion rail weaponry and targeting code in the Ikaru arsenal, the Izami can strike from tremendous distances with uncanny precision. The Izami uses its highly advanced power cell conduits to harness resources both from internal and external sources and, with that energy, can alter the velocity, density, and mass of its ballistics to incredible effect.




The basic Ronin model is a true workhorse for the House Ikaru corporation. Normally deployed as security and bodyguard detail, these stoic warriors are superbly reliable. As a Segmented Subroutine types, they are adept at slowing down an enemy advance; however when working in unison, they generate a static field that can interfere nearby programs, causing weapons to malfunction and latency times to increase. They have made their name as loyal servants to the Ikaru cause, and remain forever resilient, forever focused in the face of staggering enemy resistance.

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