My Most Frequently Asked Question At AdeptiCon!

Broken Contract at AdeptiCon2016

Broken Contract at AdeptiCon2016

AdeptiCon 2016 was fantastic like it is every year, and I’ve been to the last 11 AdeptiCons. This was my second year there with Broken Contract, the micro-skirmish game of worker insurrection in a dystopian future and it was exciting to talk to some of the people I had met the year previous. Most of these people had backed last year’s successful Kickstarter to get out a small range of models. This year, of course, we were pushing to meet even more people and introduce them to the rules to the game in preparation for our next Kickstarter in a month or two. With two of my former GW retail staff at my side we smashed our way through tons of demos and spread the word about Broken Contract. During these exciting moments of bantering back and forth after a well fought demo one question came up again and again.

“Where do you see this story going?” – Everyone

When pressed further, what they’re really getting at is: “What new factions do you foresee?” This is always a tricky question. My brain is always teaming with ideas and if you get my editor, Rob Ferrick, going on a tangent in an email chain we could have enough ideas between us for a seeming lifetime of releases. The difficulty in running at the mouth on these plentiful ideas is the risk of having a potential new Broken Contract player hold off until that fantastic new faction you rambled on about comes to fruition in the year 2020. Broken Contract is deliberately semi-myopic to make the most of our resources. However, that doesn’t mean I’m not excited to look into the near future and share where my headspace is at between now and next AdeptiCon.

Today I posted up the third installment of Broken Contract Game Designer’s Notebook, a series where I share with the world some of the ideas I’m working on fleshing out. Today’s was on future factions and some of the models and equipment I intend to add into the game. If you want to look into the future with me check out:

Game Designer’s Notebook #3 – Season 1: the FerrumSky Campaign Notes

And you can dig a little further with these two other articles:

Game Designer’s Notebook #2 – Left for Dead: Broken Contract Campaign Cards

Game Designer’s Notebook #1 – Sketching Out a Faction Set 

If you are curious about the model line that is currently available, check out our webstore:

Breaker Press Games

And you can download the free beta rules here:

Broken Contract: Rules, Background, and Cards

Thanks for taking the time to check out Broken Contract and we look forward to hear from you in the comments and on Facebook!


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