Everlasting Wet palette hits Kickstarter : September 19 at 7PM cet

A wet Palette is a great painting accessory that every miniature painters should own.

It helps you keep your acrylic paints wet through your painting session and even longer when you close the box.

It gives you access to some advanced techniques thanks to a flat surface and a constant moisturization.

And it is a nice, well made tools that give you the satisfaction to have a clean desk. With a good wet palette, you are ready to paint in a minute.


At Redgrassgames, we have developed a wet palette with the confort of use and the quality in mind.

For us, a wet palette should be easy to use, with a great hydration system and full of amazing features.


EverlastingWetPalette is the first wet palette for miniature painting designed for enthusiastic and pro-painters on Kickstarter September 19.

You buy the best brushes, the best paints and the best miniatures, but when it comes to the wet palette itself, you have to use kitchen parchment paper or wax paper on a plate. It looks messy & it smells bad.

That’s why we decided to create the world best wet palette with the best hydration foam, air tight box and 100 sheets of custom hydration paper.


Master your dilution :

This unique hydration system will keep your acrylic paint wet for hours.

The paint is not “over-hydrated”. This way, you can easily control your level of dilution and achieved all kind of painting techniques.

A unique hydration system made for enthusiastic and pro-painters, designed to help them enjoy their painting session.


  • Hours of wet painting with optimal moisterization for acrylic paint thanks to the very high water retention
  • Completely flat and smooth : hydration paper sticks to it​
  • Fully reusable: Odorless and resistant, does not allow the growth of mold




  • 100 sheets of hydration paper
  • Custom cut to size
  • Sticks to the foam
  • Helps you achieve advanced techniques
  • Do not over-hydrated the paint




It looks like a TIE FIGHTER and it is one of the stretch goals for Everlasting Wet palette !

This pattern is designed to give you precious intel before applying the paint on your model.

A quick stroke of the brush tells you if the paint is diluated the way you want :

You cannot see the pattern through the paint : It is an heavy base

You can see the pattern through the paint : The paint is less opaque so you doing a layering!


High-tech & design :

We designed the box with the confort of use in mind. From the paint to the miniature, you don’t have to move your hand.

The box is low rise, only 1,4cm ( 0,5’) The top lid is not a mere lid but an additional wet palette with the exact same size than the main one, offering one of the largest painting surface in the market. Near A4 format. The box is the only one with an airtight & watertight seal.…and we included one of the coolest feature ever. A magnet attachments systems for add-ons !




WAVY add-on :

Even if you are fond of wet palette, sometimes you need to mix some nasty stuff with your paint or even use non-acrylic paints.
That’s why we designed Wavy. For us, it has to be rather small, well designed and more than just a well palette. After tens of iteration, we have discovered a way to include brush holders in each of wavy’s waves.
Now your precious brushes will never roll over again.
And of course this add-on uses our magnetic attachments. A clever way to attach wavy to the left, the right and even the back or front. Choice is yours.



Reviews :

First review on War of Sigmar  More to come !


A must have for miniature painters on kickstarter, September 19 2017 at 7PM cet


Everlasting wet palette x 1

Sheets of hydration paper x100  !

Foams x 2

Wavy x 1


A quick overview of the content in video: painter pledge


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